A bulk order

A couple of days ago I had a bulk order for a wedding. I managed to sell 12 of the zines and I have they went down well at the wedding the happened yesterday. Just before I went to my grandmas I picked up the money I had made over the last few days.

I have now sold 16 copies of the zines! Carry on looking for my next update!  🙂

Ventnor zines

In the shop

OMG! I can’t believe it, today my books went in the shops. They are going to be selling at £1.50, only one shop (seasons) has taken some copies but 10!

Now all I need to do is get some more prints and hand-colour them in. Tomorrow my Dad is going up to London so, unfortunately he can’t take me but my Mum is going to for a change. I have also showed one of the owners of Suzes room about it and she loved them. I can’t wait to sell even more!

Bye for now, Alpha

Zines first word

I made this zine to help visitors to Ventnor understand its strong history. I am 11 years old and my name is Alpha.

Over the summer holidays I will be selling a zine about famous people that have come to Ventnor. After time I will make more zines  for around the Isle of Wight.