
I guess if you’ve found this, you will have bought one of my Ventnor guides, so – Welcome!

I am 11 years old and my name is Alpha. I like sport and art. I’m not usually interested in history but this was fascinating! I have been living in Ventnor for seven years but never knew some of the people that came here!

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Kate

    Hi Alpha,

    I really like your zine! My friend is having an exhibition of zines in a gallery in Sheffield next week. We’d love to show your zine in the zine library if you’d like us to? (I’m from the Isle of Wight and my Mum sent me your zine in the post).

    This is my friend Orla talking about her library on the BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-14475920

    And this is Orla’s blog about her zine library: http://rotherhamzinelibrary.snaek.org/

    From Kate

    1. Alpha

      Wow! Thanks Kate, I’m very flattered to be a part of this exhibition and Orla’s amazing collection. I will email you tomorrow. Once again thank you.

  2. Grace Birch and Sylvia Watson

    Well done Alpha, Sheila told my grandma about your Zines and I have just checked out your website and it is very impressive. Do you remember when you came to Sylvia’s house and me and my brother were there? I can’t believe you are only 11 and to have done that all by yourself. Keep up the good work! G x

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